I met Dom Alan Hohl, OCSO, in August 2008. He had an idea of making a website for publishing images of the books of chant he preserves at the Abbey of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity. Stan Stott, a deacon from Salt Lake City, had already photographed the books.

While studying for a moral theology exam, reading selections from Veritatis Splendor, I recalled what Dom Alan wanted the website to be called: Splendor Veritatis.

1. Antiphonale
Antiphonarium Cisterciense, Westmalle 1947

2. Graduale
Graduale Cisterciense, Westmalle 1899

About a month after this website went live, I received an email from Jörg Hudelmaier thanking me for making this content available online with the offer of more. Unlike the resources above, which are of the Cistercians of the Strict Observance, this new material is of the unreformed Cistercians. Thanks to Jörg, here are two more volumes:

3. Nocturnale
Antiphonarii Cisterciensis, pars prima (Vigilias Nocturnas), Westmalle 1955

4. Diurnale
Antiphonarii Cisterciensis, pars altera (horas diurnas), Westmalle 1954

In Novebmer 2012 I received a generous offer from someone who found this website useful to include another book from the Strict Observance:

5. Hymnarium
Hymnarium Cisterciense, Westmalle, 1909

In November 2014 I received another generous offer from a thankful user, Denis Garneau, who made fine PDFs of the Nocturnale and the Diurnale:

6. Nocturnale.pdf and 7. Diurnale.pdf

For more Cistercian resources, visit the Cistopedia.

by Christopher Gray